So, the story of Serenity – if you don’t believe in prayers being answered you might want to just scroll down. So about five years ago I decided to look into RVs as a home after I retire. I really didn’t want to stay in Alaska full-time after I retired and the house is just way too big for me. So I started looking online at different RVs especially ones that would fit my needs i.e. had someplace for a craft room. I found this model and it was perfect but it was way too expensive so I just kind of put that aside and kept looking. About a week ago I noticed that great Alaskan holidays was having a sale on the RV’s that they rent out, so I went down to look at them. They had some good ones but they really weren’t big enough for what I needed. So as I was about to leave the salesman goes, “oh wait a minute we just had one come in that you might like”. Turns out it was the exact model I had looked at originally. So we went and looked at it, and I expected to see thousands of miles on it because it was a 2008 model. But the person who had owned it before, a doctor, had only used it to run down to the Kenai during the summer so it only had 7000 miles on it. Well it was still a little too expensive for me but I thought what the heck let’s try. Meanwhile, the dealership kept dropping the price lower and lower. They even gave me a down payment as a military discount. So I went ahead and applied for the loan and got it. This has been a total answer to prayer. Throughout this entire process I just prayed that God would show me what he wanted me to do – if this was supposed to be mine to let it happen; if not to give me the strength and patience to wait for what he had planned. So very thankful for God’s provision!!!


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